Tuesday, April 21, 2009

GuD LaK To EveRyBodY..

Send this eCard !

Good Luck for the Day,
May Success come Your Way,

May Your Day Be Full of Fun,
May You Impress Everyone,

May You get No Stress,
May You be Blessed with Happiness,

May God give Your Grace,
May You Keep a Smiling Face,

May Your Wishes come True,
May You Enjoy whatever You Do,

And At Last I would say,
May You Have a Beautiful Day !

Send this eCard !

It's your first recital
we wish the best for you
Know that you can do it
you're good at all you do

We're here to cheer you on
and back you all the way
Wishing you much success
for that special day

Good Luck!

SpeCiaL NoTe FoR Ma GanG..

Dear Adel, Shah, n Abg Aman..

Our exam jus around da corner..wanna have study group guys?seems like im having so much butterfly in my stomach..huhu..so nervous for da coming exam..huhu..neway..wish all of u a very gud lak for dis exam..chaiyokk2..!!!


HaNgiN' OuT WiF Ma BesFweN

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ThaNk U Dr. HoNeY..!!

KePaDa WaNitA DaN JuGa LeLaKi..

Seorang anak laki-laki kecil bertanya kepada ibunya
"Mengapa ibu menangis?"

"Kerana aku seorang wanita",
kata si ibu kepada anaknya..

"Aku tidak mengerti", kata anak itu.

Ibunya hanya memeluknya dan berkata,
"Dan kau tak akan pernah mengerti"

Kemudian anak laki-laki itu bertanya kepada ayahnya,
"Mengapa ibu suka menangis tanpa alasan?"

"Semua wanita menangis tanpa alasan",
hanya itu yang dapat dikatakan oleh ayahnya.

Anak laki-laki kecil itu pun membesar menjadi seorang laki-laki dewasa, tetap ingin tahu mengapa wanita menangis.

Akhirnya ia berhubung dengan Tuhan, dan ia bertanya,
"Tuhan, mengapa wanita begitu mudah menangis?"

Tuhan berkata:

"Ketika Aku menciptakan seorang wanita,
ia diharuskan untuk menjadi seorang yang istimewa.
Aku membuat bahunya cukup kuat untuk menopang dunia; namun, harus cukup lembut untuk memberikan kenyamanan "
"Aku memberikannya kekuatan dari dalam
untuk mampu melahirkan anak dan
menerima penolakan yang seringkali datang dari anak-anaknya "
"Aku memberinya kekerasan
untuk membuatnya tetap tegar ketika orang-orang lain menyerah, dan mengasuh keluarganya dengan penderitaan
dan kelelahan tanpa mengeluh "
"Aku memberinya kepekaan
untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam setiap keadaan,
bahkan ketika anaknya bersikap sangat menyakiti hatinya "
"Aku memberinya kekuatan
untuk mendukung suaminya dalam kegagalannya
dan melengkapi dengan tulang rusuk suaminya
untuk melindungi hatinya "
"Aku memberinya kebijaksanaan
untuk mengetahui bahwa seorang suami yang baik
takkan pernah menyakiti isterinya,
tetapi kadang menguji kekuatannya
dan ketetapan hatinya untuk berada disisi suaminya tanpa ragu "
"Dan akhirnya,
Aku memberinya air mata untuk diteteskan.
Ini adalah khusus miliknya
untuk digunakan pada waktu bila pun ia diperlukan."

"Kau tahu:

Kecantikan seorang wanita
bukanlah dari pakaian yang dikenakannya,
susuk badan yang ditampilkan,
atau bilaman ia menyisirkan rambutnya."
"Kecantikan seorang wanita
harus dilihat dari matanya,
karena itulah pintu hatinya -
tempat dimana cinta itu ada."


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

CrEaTiVe SiDeWaLk DrAwiNg

TiPs FoR A HeaLtHy DiEt =)

1. Eat enough calories but not too many. Maintain a balance between your calorie intake and calorie expenditure—that is, don't eat more food than your body uses. The average recommended daily allowance is 2,000 calories, but this depends on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity.

2. Eat a wide variety of foods. Healthy eating is an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods—especially vegetables, whole grains, or fruits—that you don't normally eat.

3. Keep portions moderate, especially high-calorie foods. In recent years serving sizes have ballooned, particularly in restaurants. Choose a starter instead of an entrĂ©e, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order supersized anything.

4. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes—foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol. Try to get fresh, local produce

5. Drink more water. Our bodies are about 75% water. It is a vital part of a healthy diet. Water helps flush our systems, especially the kidneys and bladder, of waste products and toxins. A majority of Americans go through life dehydrated.

6. Limit sugary foods, salt, and refined-grain products. Sugar is added to a vast array of foods. In a year, just one daily 12-ounce can of soda (160 calories) can increase your weight by 16 pounds. See suggestions below for limiting salt and substituting whole grains for refined grains.

7. Don’t be the food police. You can enjoy your favorite sweets and fried foods in moderation, as long as they are an occasional part of your overall healthy diet. Food is a great source of pleasure, and pleasure is good for the heart – even if those French fries aren’t!

8. Get moving. A healthy diet improves your energy and feelings of well-being while reducing your risk of many diseases. Adding regular physical activity and exercise will make any healthy eating plan work even better.

9. One step at a time. Establishing new food habits is much easier if you focus on and take action on one food group or food fact at a time

10. Take time to chew your food: Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush though our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavors and feel the textures of what is in our mouths. Reconnect with the joy of eating.

11. Avoid stress while eating: When we are stressed, our digestion can be compromised, causing problems like colitis and heartburn. Avoid eating while working, driving, arguing, or watching TV (especially disturbing programs or the news). Try taking some deep breaths prior to beginning your meal, or light candles and play soothing music to create a relaxing atmosphere.

12. Listen to your body: Ask yourself if you are really hungry. You may really be thirsty, so try drinking a glass of water first. During a meal, stop eating before you feel full. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly. Eating just enough to satisfy your hunger will help you remain alert, relaxed and feeling your best, rather than stuffing yourself into a “food coma”!

13. Eat early, eat often: Starting your day with a healthy breakfast can jump start your metabolism, and eating the majority of your daily caloric allotment early in the day gives your body time to work those calories off. Also, eating small, healthy meals throughout the day, rather than the standard three large meals, can help keep your metabolism going and ward off snack attacks.

HuMaN CaR By FoRd

How To SLeeP WeLL..

1. Stick to a schedule, and don't sleep late on weekends. If you sleep late on Saturday and Sunday morning, you'll get Sunday night insomnia. Instead, go to bed and get up at about the same time every day. "You don't need to rely on an alarm clock to wake up when you get enough sleep,"

2. Don't eat or drink a lot before bedtime. Eat a light dinner about 2 hours before sleeping. If you drink too much liquid before sleeping, you'll wake up repeatedly in the night for trips to the bathroom. Don't eat spicy or fatty foods. They cause heartburn. Don't have a midnight snack. If you get the munchies, eat something that triggers serotonin, which makes you sleepy. Carbohydrates (bread or cereal) or foods containing the amino acid L-tryptophan (milk, tuna, or turkey) will do the trick.
Don't drink alcohol near bedtime. It may cause you to wake up repeatedly, snore and possibly develop sleep apnea.

3. Avoid caffeine and nicotine. They are addictive stimulants and keep you awake. Smokers experience withdrawal symptoms at night, and they have a harder time both falling asleep and waking up.

4. Exercise. If you're trying to sleep better, the best time to exercise is in the afternoon. Physical activity enhances the deep, refreshing stage of sleep.

5. A slightly cool room is ideal for sleeping. This mimics your internal temperature drop during sleep, so turn off the heat and save on fuel bills. If you tend to get cold, use blankets. Try sleeping in warmer nightclothes and wear socks. Studies show that warm hands and feet induce sleep quickly. If you overheat at night, wear light nightclothes and sleep under a single sheet. Use an air conditioner or fan to keep the room cool. Use a dehumidifier if you are bothered by moist air. Use a humidifier if you are bothered by dry air. Signs of dry air irritation include a sore throat, nosebleeds or a dry throat.

6. Sleep only at night. Daytime naps steal hours from nighttime slumber. Limit daytime sleep to 20-minute, power naps. If you work nights, keep window coverings closed so that sunlight, which interferes with the body's internal clock, doesn't interrupt your sleep. If you have a day job and sleep at night, but still have trouble waking, leave the window covering open and let the sun's light wake you up.

7. Keep it quiet. Silence is more conducive to sleep. Turn off the radio and TV. Use earplugs, a fan or some other source of constant, soothing, background noise to mask sound that you cannot control, such as a busy street, trains, airplanes or even a snoring partner. Double-pane windows and heavy curtains also muffle outside noise.

8. Make your bed. "A good bed is subjective and different for each person. Make sure you have a bed that is comfortable and offers orthopedic, correct sleep,"
If you share your bed, make sure there is enough room for two. Use your bed only for sleep.Go to bed when you are tired and turn out the lights. If you don't fall asleep in 15 minutes, get up and do something else. Go back to bed when you are tired.Do not agonize about falling asleep. The stress will only prevent sleep.

9. Soak and sack out. Taking a hot shower or bath before bed helps bring on sleep because they can relax the tense muscles.

10. Don't rely on sleeping pills. Check with your doctor before using sleeping pills. Make sure the pills won't interact with other medications or with an existing medical condition.Use the lowest dosage and never mix alcohol and sleeping pills.
If you feel sleepy or dizzy during the day, talk to your doctor about changing the dosage or discontinuing the pills.

A great way to sleep well is definitely making sure you have the right mattress for you. More and more people are turning to memory foam mattresses to achieve a more restful night's sleep. With a memory foam mattress that molds to the shape of your body you are sure to receive a full night of sleep and see what it truly means to have a good night.